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How to upload pictures? I tried with google URL from my photos, but the insert bar turned red, which I presume is a fail. So I signed up for Flickr, got the URL and inserted it into the bar and that turned red. 

So what photo hosting site does this website accept?

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Yes. At the bottom of the message box it says insert image from URL. Last time I used a forum such as this was 20 years ago. And I'm no spring chicken any more.

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Nowadays a lot of websites disable hotlinking images. It's probably best practice to save the image first then 'insert' the image into a post. I used the insert image from url in this post. It worked from the site I linked from.

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On 10/18/2022 at 2:11 PM, SMK said:



Nowadays a lot of websites disable hotlinking images. It's probably best practice to save the image first then 'insert' the image into a post. I used the insert image from url in this post. It worked from the site I linked from.

20 years ago I belonged to a Japanese fansubbing website and I vaguely remember to add photos, I had to type [image]url-example[\image]

Is this what you meant? 

I looked through some old the old topics and someone mentioned imgur, which I have. 

So what hosting do you use and are you using smartphone? Would this cause the problems I having?

Edit- So I typed in Google. Insert image feom Url. Right click etc. So basically I should be using my PC and not my mobile to upload pictures? Am I right @SMK?

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