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What did you put on your profile info in the 'Martial Arts Cinema' section?

Omni Dragon

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Martial Arts Cinema

  • #1 Favorite Film
    The Heroic Ones
  • 3 "Must See" Films
    Dragon blows, Furious ultimatum, Rage of the master
  • Favorite Martial Arts Film Star - Male?
    David Chiang
  • Favorite Martial Arts Film Star - Female?
    Angela Mao
  • Do You Practice Martial Arts?
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I keep meaning to fill in these sections of my profile, but just cant decide which movie is all my all time favourtie. There's just so many titles to choose from.

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  • #1 Favorite Film
    Seven Samurai 
  • 3 "Must See" Films
    The Prodigal Son, Swordsman 2, Ran 
  • Favorite Martial Arts Film Star - Male?
    Alexander Fu Sheng
  • Favorite Martial Arts Film Star - Female?
    Brigitte Lin
  • Do You Practice Martial Arts?
    Not any more.
  • Which Style(s) Do You Practice?  Not right now - before TKD


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I've updated my 'Favorite Martial Arts Film Star - Male?' section and narrowed it down to just Jackie Chan. The Three Dragons was always a bit of a cop-out answer anyway. Sorry Yuen Biao but it was always between Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung. I think the main reason I chose Chan in the end is because he's basically the actor who got me into martial arts cinema.

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