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New Video Feature Added


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I set up a donation section asking for help with paying for a couple of new features for the forum, one being the Raffle system which is in place now, which lets members have a chance to win prizes. It is a FREE Raffle/Giveaway. I know times are hard for most, myself included, but thanks to only 4 donations, the donation goal was met and I was able to purchase these new features. I can not thank you enough to those of you that donated. I know others would have probably also chipped in, but believe me, I completely understand how the current situation is tough right now, many have been laid off or just unable to work, so it's ok if you were not able to help with a donation. Your presence here on the forum is more than enough. Thank you.


The other feature which has just been added, is the Videos section. Which is basically a Video Gallery.

The way this works, it allows us members to put together a "curated playlist" of videos, which are gathered from YouTube, and place them in ready-made categories and share them with your fellow forum members. Let me provide some tips on how to get started as well as suggestions so the feature can be utilized to its fullest potential.

1. Find a video on YouTube that you would like to share, copy the URL of the video. 


  1. On the forum click the Videos option in the top menu bar,
  2. Click on 'Add Video',
  3. Select the proper category
  4. Paste the videos URL into the Media URL text field
  5. Click 'Continue' to be able to edit the title, add a description, add tags, etc. (recommended method) OR click 'Quick Add' and it will add the video without you having to enter any further details.
  6. If you clicked 'Continue' you will then be able to edit the title of the video to whatever you'd like, or you can leave the title as is.
  7. Tags - Please try and add relevant tags to each video you post. This will help people find related content throughout the forum.
  8. Add Extra Videos  - This allows you to add additional videos which will show up as tabs at the bottom of the video. So let's say you posted something that was broken down into multiple videos, you can add them all within the first video, and you can name the tabs whatever you'd like. You can see an example of this here, notice under the video the tab that says 'Hallway Fight #2'. I included the 2nd hallway fight, and you can add even more videos/tab to a single video. 
  9. Thumbnail Type - This can be left to 'Automatic' but if you'd like, you can upload a different image to be used as the videos thumbnail, or link to an image to be used as the videos thumbnail. Leaving it set to 'Automatic' will use the original thumbnail for the video, and this is the recommended setting.
  10. Description - You can add your own personal description here, or if you'd like, you could copy/paste the description from the video on YouTube.


On the Videos main page, what the different tabs mean.

  • Trending - This puts all the videos in a order where the most viewed videos on the forum will show up first.
  • Following - If you follow any members on the forum, any videos they have posted will show up in this section.
  • Discover - This will display the videos in the order they were added to the forum, with the newest videos showing up first.
  • Featured - Any videos that have been selected as 'Featured' will show up in this section.


If you click on a Category you have multiple options on how to view the videos.

The default view is set to thumbnails, but you can also view the videos as a list. You can also sort the videos by the following within each category:

  • Last Updated
  • Video Title
  • Date Added
  • Total Comments
  • Views
  • Rating


If you do watch a video, please go ahead and RATE the video by clicking the stars located at the top underneath the videos title. This will help when someone chooses to sort the videos by rating. 


3. Another way to add a video, you can click the '+ Create' option next to your profile image and profile name on the top left directly underneath the forum logo then follow the above step starting from 2.2


If any of you have any suggestions for Categories that should be in place, please let me know.

Again, many thanks to all those that are participants of this forum. Enjoy another new feature to the Kung Fu Fandom Forum.

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Duel to the Death

I was going to add a video but i don't see an add video button. I also don't see it in the + Create drop down either. 

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11 hours ago, Duel to the Death said:

I was going to add a video but i don't see an add video button. I also don't see it in the + Create drop down either. 

Please try both methods again please. Thanks!

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Duel to the Death
22 minutes ago, SMK said:

Please try both methods again please. Thanks!

Thanks. All good now. 

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Is there a way to add a video from one's computer ?

I have some clips that I would have liked to show here, but the links to youtube or others have been removed, so, I only have the videos on my computer and I didn't find a way to add them...


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Maybe I'm just being dense but there doesn't seem to be an add video button for either methods anymore :( help would be greatly appreciated :) 

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1 hour ago, Josh Baker said:

Maybe I'm just being dense but there doesn't seem to be an add video button for either methods anymore :( help would be greatly appreciated :) 

I still can see the button.  You have to go to the video section first.

Here is a screen capture :


Capture du 2020-08-19 18-05-16.png

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48 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

I still can see the button.  You have to go to the video section first.

Here is a screen capture :


Capture du 2020-08-19 18-05-16.png

Yeah my interface doesn't have those buttons :( 

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10 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

Maybe you should change your browser ?

On either browser (Chrome, Microsoft Edge) I still dont have the button :(

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22 hours ago, Josh Baker said:

On either browser (Chrome, Microsoft Edge) I still dont have the button :(

Are you signed in?

I tried Chrome, Firefox, IE, Microsoft Edge & AVG browsers and I do get the Add Video button.

I also tried on my cell while signed in & do get the button.

The Add Video button do not show if I am not signed in.

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1 hour ago, thekfc said:

Are you signed in?

I tried Chrome, Firefox, IE, Microsoft Edge & AVG browsers and I do get the Add Video button.

I also tried on my cell while signed in & do get the button.

The Add Video button do not show if I am not signed in.

Yeah I'm definitely signed in 

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On 8/20/2020 at 10:39 AM, Josh Baker said:

Yeah I'm definitely signed in 

This should be sorted now. Please check if you see the Add Video option now?


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